AASSC was founded at an inaugural meeting at the University of Ottawa in 1982. As a member you can participate in all our activities, which have been numerous:
AASSC welcomes membership on a global scale: AASSC members live not only in Canada but also in the USA, the Nordic countries, and elsewhere in the world.
As a member, you will also be invited to participate in our annual conference and business meeting, which are part of the yearly Congress of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS), featuring academic sessions on varied aspects of Scandinavian and Scandinavian-Canadian studies, guest speakers, concerts of Scandinavian music, banquets and receptions, book-launchings, film and video programmes, and excursions. In addition to paying the Congress fees, attendees are expected to be members in good standing with AASSC.
Our membership year runs from Jan 1 to Dec 31. As a member you will have the opportunity to participate in the Association’s business affairs with a vote at the annual business meeting. If you present a paper or chair a session at our annual conferences, you are eligible to apply for financial assistance to defray some of the costs of travel to the Congress. In addition, students presenting papers at the Congress are eligible to apply for a travel grant funded by the Canadian Initiative for Nordic Studies.
Membership Fees:
Regular membership: $75
Institutional membership: $75
Retired/Unwaged membership: $30
Student membership: $30
Sustaining Membership: $125